Seeking Treatment?

RecoverWell is a free service for patients who need help finding treatment options in Southern California for substance use, mental health, and eating disorders.

*Treatment providers in Southern California—and growing!

We know recovery is hard. Finding help should be the easy part.

RecoverWell empowers you to skip the endless phone calls and online searches for mental health and addiction treatment providers.

Within minutes, we match you to the best options based on:


Level of care

Insurance / Budget

Dual diagnosis


Environment and geography

Treatment modalities

Specialized population

Gender / age exclusive environments

Dietary restrictions

Religious or spiritual programs

Why RecoverWell?

  • RecoverWell is a trusted resource used by hospitals, social workers, and legal professionals

  • We identify programs that meet your clinical needs and your budget, even when your budget is $0

  • Our technology delivers precise matches instantly, so you can worry less about decision-making and focus on your recovery confidently

Please do not suffer alone. You have options.

Schedule your consultation with a case manager to find the best fit for you.