FAQs for Patient Advocates
RecoverWell is an all-in-one triage, verification of benefits, matching and booking tool. Patient advocates are given access to a centralized network with high-quality, vetted rehab facilities as well as a trusted and supportive community of licensed professionals helping patients achieve recovery.
The patient advocate benefits from the platform by being able to complete one common intake application form for each patient. The intake form will be algorithmically matched to qualified rehab centers who can serve the patients needs. Patient advocates can help their patients apply to one or more facilities that are precisely matched to their unique needs with the click of a button. Additionally, all conversations and bookings can occur directly over the platform. We do not share your contact information. It is not necessary as all questions can be answered in your chat portal.
Patient advocates are licensed, credentialed, qualified representatives who work in healthcare, legal or community social service settings. Patient advocates will be given access to the platform following a quick verification of their licensing or credentials.
Clinical Social Workers: LCSW provide a license number; non-licensed social workers provide proof of employment and NPI of hospital of employment
Hospital Case Managers: Provide place of employment including all contact information and NPI of hospital of employment
Physicians: Provide their NPI and license number as well as their Medical Board certification
Nurses: Provide their NPI and license number
Community Social Workers: BSW, MSW and DSW social workers provide a place of employment including an address and phone number
Intervention and Sober Companion Professionals: Provide business license number
Law Enforcement, Probation and Emergency Medical Technicians: Provide a badge number and department/organization of employment including all contact information
Human Resources Professionals and Union Representatives: Provide place of employment including all contact information
Attorneys: Provide valid state bar association license number
Paralegals: Provide law firm of employment and state bar license number for at least one law firm partner
RecoverWell verifies and checks all users on our platform to prevent any potential abuse of our system or the patients seeking treatment via our platform. Unfortunately, predatory behaviors do exist and our goal in verifying our users is to mitigate that risk. RecoverWell provides a free marketplace automation platform that streamlines access to quality rehabilitation centers for the professional’s ease of use. RecoverWell is for use by approved professionals only. This business model serves to bring clarity and transparency to the addiction recovery continuum of care.
Patient advocates are required to provide any and all identifying information which qualifies them to access use of the RecoverWell platform. These may include license number, credentials, certifications, and badge numbers. We also require that patient advocates designate one or more places of business (a.k.a. “crisis center”) including name of institution, address, and phone number where employment can be verified. We will stringently check and verify that patient advocate licenses and credentials are current and accurate.
RecoverWell is committed to being a trusted steward of patient information. While the RecoverWell platform is not required to be HIPAA compliant, RecoverWell adheres to all security standards for protecting patient information and data. RecoverWell provides crisis centers and care providers with stringent liability check-points in which the patient confirms consent for use as well as their voluntary appeal for assistance with finding treatment for chemical dependency. Patients seeking treatment must provide signed authorization in order to utilize the RecoverWell platform and create an application for use. Additionally, RecoverWell takes cybersecurity and patient data very seriously. We adhere to the highest cybersecurity standards.
Healthcare professionals often work at different locations. We encourage you to create a separate profile at each location for which you work so that patients can be matched to treatment facilities within a certain range of your place of employment, allowing the patient to be easily and most reliably transferred to that location.
RecoverWell cannot guarantee a patient match. We have made every effort to strategically scale our business model regionally and in each region bring on board verified treatment facilities that serve a diverse range of co-occurring healthcare and mental health needs at all levels of care and for all socioeconomic levels. However, it is possible that some very rare and complex cases will not be a match to any facilities on the platform. Our goal is to provide options and remove obstacles. As we grow, the options will grow and we envision a future where every rehab is full and we see a rapid decline in overdose-related deaths nationwide.
Yes. RecoverWell is aligned with the Departments of Public Health and the Department of Healthcare Services licensing requirements for facilities providing treatment for chemical dependency. In order to ensure that our patient advocates are referring their patients to highly qualified and credentialed rehabilitation facilities, we require at minimum a license from Health and Human Services which covers licensing for all healthcare facilities and providers. We also require proof of license for the executive level clinical professionals and any prescribing or prescription dispensing medical professionals under employment at our subscribing partner rehabs.
This stringency is to ensure that in addition to having facilities up to code requirements, your treatment providers are also licensed and credentialed. These requirements are being reviewed by RecoverWell personnel and we will require updates from our subscribing facilities to accommodate changes to personnel when they renew their subscription. Additionally, we review our subscribing partners profiles to ensure they are providing accurate information for the services they provide. We will not tolerate decoy tactics or solicitation on our platform of any kind.
Absolutely not. All RecoverWell rehabilitation facilities pay a subscription fee to be part of our network. All facilities pay the same fee (depending on the level of service they provide) and therefore there is no way to offer preferential listing on our site. The only exclusion to this equal fees rule is for non-profit facilities who pay a very small fraction of the subscription price to be listed on RecoverWell. We do this as an investment in our community.
Rehabilitation facilities only receive patient leads that they have the ability to serve. In other words, patient care is our focus. Our matching logic is driven by the patient’s needs, never by economics. There are more than enough patients at all socioeconomic and clinical needs to fill every rehab in America. We believe the competition should be on performance and programming, not on advertising dollars.
Click “Join The Network” button in the upper right-hand corner. As soon as you sign up, the RecoverWell team will get to work verifying your credentials and will send you an email with your login credentials.
Yes. We are here to help you get started. We always send a PDF user manual that you can refer to at any time in case you forget how anything works. However, we designed the RecoverWell platform to be easy to use. In fact, we designed it with the patient advocate’s best interests in mind. We asked for patient advocates’ feedback and input at every stage of development. In fact, we did not launch RecoverWell until our patient advocate product testers agreed that we had met their most immediate, urgent needs for getting patients into treatment. We also offer a virtual demonstration option, which you can always request from the team by emailing contact@recoverwell.net or call us at 818-975-0113.
Yes. RecoverWell is cyber secure and helps reduce liability by eliminating misdialed faxes and email errors. Plus, patient authorization is required, profiles are password protected, and all data is encrypted.
RecoverWell helps patients match and book in a matter of minutes to treatment facilities that match a comprehensive set of patient needs and preferences, and we only work with high-quality, vetted rehab facilities. Our matching logic factors in all of the questions used by admissions personnel in order to admit a patient.
When we provide the match results for your patients, we are matching them based on their compatibility with any given treatment facility. Similar to search engines, we will provide you with a list of facilities that match your patient’s needs. What makes RecoverWell more effective than general search engines is that we narrow the results based on the criteria for which a patient needs to be treated. Rehabs must provide to RecoverWell those disqualifying and qualifying conditions for which they will or will not accept a patient. Once your patient applies to a matched facility, the admissions coordinator will likely request a call with the patient to confirm some information. In this way we eliminate the need to research and call facilities who cannot treat your patients.
Our process drastically reduces your time on the phone in 2 ways: (1) by only providing facilities who match your patient’s criteria and preferences, and (2) by automating the application process by providing a pre-assessment form with the application which considers all of the interview questions that are normally asked during intake. Additionally, a rehab can automatically reject a patient if they do not have availability on that day. If there is no availability, we don’t want you or your patient to waste precious time on the phone.
Yes. We have a chat portal right on the platform. This allows you to reach out and get status updates, make payment and scholarship arrangements, ask questions, coordinate information transfers, and set up transportation.
Yes. We have a robust notifications system that will keep you notified when a patient’s application has been reviewed and received as well as when the admissions team has sent you a message concerning your patient’s application. We also notify you when patients have been admitted to the treating facility. We also notify you when a patient has completed treatment and under what circumstances. This status update can be found in your “closed” cases file. We provide this information so that you can track outcomes and be aware of what stage a patient may have left their voluntary treatment program.
Our hope is that if a patient experiences a relapse you can try to determine what did or did not work well for them at their last program. We understand that it can sometimes take some patients multiple attempts to achieve long-term sobriety, and we want to give you tools to support this journey. A program that is a precise match may not always be part of that perfect recipe. It does not mean that the facility is “bad” or negligent; it may mean that the patient wasn’t truly ready or that there were other conditions at play. In any case, this transparency will foster a dialogue that will help you dial in with more focus on the patient’s needs.
No more endless research or hopeless phone calls. RecoverWell offers expert matching and effortless online booking with fast and efficient patient screening.